Yogamatty. Forgive any confusion, this is not so much a site about Matty, or a site about Yoga. There is a bit of both, but a lot of neither.

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A Pivot to Mini Motorways Content (or not)

We sometimes do funny things to keep ourselves entertained. In light of (only now easing) restrictions in Sydney and Melbourne, I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who could tell of unusual pastimes they might have picked up during these pandemic times. For me one of the quiet activities that has kept me…

Why “yogamatty”?

I created this site in 2019 as a place to write. To try to share some of the experiences and tools that have helped me make changes that… and I say this knowing that it sounds like a big statement… have helped me out of a state of low-level depression that I believe I have…

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Heart Without Expectation

Or, The Lesson My Son Taught Me That No One Else Could My eldest son, Ryan, is 14 years old. For me, that was an age of growing apart from family. Of buying into all the teenage clichés of resenting parents, rebelling, feeling like I didn’t fit in. As a parent with my first teenager,…

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